Area 50 Positions

Area 50 Positions



The Duties of the Area 50 Delegate are in part, to attend the annual General Service Conference in New York during April of each year during his/her term of service. Following the Conference meeting, the Area Delegate will report the highlights of the Conference to the Area Assembly at the first meeting following the Conference.

The Delegate will also attend Area and Regional Events and participate in the State Convention Planning Meeting.

For more coverage of the Area Delegates duties refer to the AA Service Manual.

If you are interested in learning more, or you would like to request your delegate to speak at your district, please contact the: Area 50 Delegate.

Checkout the Delegate's News page for announcements.



The Area 50 Chairperson is to prepare and have published meeting agendas. The Chairperson will conduct (chair) the Area Assembly and Area Committee meetings. The Area Chairperson will have the duty of appointing the chairpersons of all Standing Committees. The Area Chairperson shall coordinate the efforts of all Standing Committees and act as the administrative officer for the Area Assembly. It is the responsibility of the Area Chairperson to see that the expense reports of all Committee members be filed with the Area Treasurer no later than January 15th each year, covering the fiscal year January 1st thru December 31st.

The Area 50 Chair will attend Area and Regional Events and participate in the State Convention Planning Meeting.

There are many other duties performed by the Area Chairperson, including speaking at various workshops, conferences, and committee meetings, appointing ad-hoc committee chairs, and much more.

To find out more, or to invite the Area Chair to your District, contact the Area 50 Chairperson.



The Duties of the Co-Chair are to assist the Area Chair in the duties of the office. The C0-Chair will attend the annual General Service Conference should the Delegate be unable to do so. The Co-Chair has the responsibility of presiding over the Area Assembly meetings in the absence of the Area Chairperson. At the end of their term the Co-Chair shall also submit a summary of Area Actions from the Assemblies conducted during their term. This summary will be made available to the Area Committee. The Area 50 Co-Chair will also attend Web Site Committee meetings.

If you are interested in learning more, contact the Area 50 Co-Chair.



The Area 50 Secretary attends all assemblies and records, compiles, types and distributes the Assembly Meeting Minutes and Area Committee Meeting Minutes to the Area 50 Committee (committee chairs and DCM’s).

The Area 50 Secretary sends the upcoming Area 50 Assembly information to The Grapevine and Box 459 for inclusion in their “Upcoming Events Section” for the appropriate month.

For additional information contact the Area 50 Secretary.



The duties of the Area Treasurer are to receive contributions from the Groups and other A.A. sources. The Treasurer will also maintain records of all monies received, maintain savings and checking accounts for depositing all receipts, and make disbursements as determined by the Area Committee. The Area Treasurer shall arrange for preparation of the annual Federal and State income tax reports (If necessary), and ensure that our “not-for-profit” status with the government remains current at all times.

  • The Area Treasurer will appoint a Deputy Treasurer.
  • The Area Committee will have a signature card signed by the Treasurer, the Co-Chair and the Area Delegate.
  • The Treasurer will report the condition of the Area Treasury to the Area Assembly at all meetings.
  • The treasurer will coordinate the preparation and presentation of a proposed budget to the Area Assembly at the second Assembly of each calendar year.
  • Each Committee member, with the exception of the D.C.M.’s, will submit an annual written expense report to the Treasurer detailing the expenditure of funds received from the Area Treasurer no later than January 15th annually, in accordance with the Area 50 Procedure Guide.

For additional information contact the Area 50 Treasurer.



The registrar position is to help facilitate communication amongst groups, Area Committee, local intergroups/central offices, and the General Service Office by maintaining an accurate record of groups, officers and service positions in the area.

Duties Include:

  • Maintaining the records of all groups in the area, which includes group names, meeting location,  time and group contact.  Also telephone numbers, email addresses, etc., for all Area Officers, GSRs, DCMs and Group contacts in the Area.
  • Provide mailing information, sign-in sheets, etc. as requested, to the Secretary
  • Updating the records in the Fellowship New Vision database maintained by the General Service Office
  • Interface with local intergroups as necessary

New Group Form

Group Information Change Form

Contact the Registrar.

Other Positions

GSR Orientation Chair – is a voting member of the Assembly and Area Committee and is responsible for developing and presenting a program at Area Assemblies that provides new GSRs with the basic information to help them understand their role in the Area Structure. The GSR Orientation Chair also makes similar presentations to the Districts upon request.

For more information click here.

District Committee Member Chair (DCMC) - elected by GSRs for a two-year term at each District’s election meeting. DCMs have a vote at District meetings, Area Committee Meetings and General Service Assemblies. The DCMC is elected by the DCMs and has a voting position.

GSA Education Chair – is a voting member of the Assembly and Area Committee and is responsible for developing exciting, entertaining, educational programs for Area Assemblies.

Intergroup Liaison – is responsible for coordinating Area activities with each of the Intergroups in Area 50. The Area 50 Intergroup Liaison is a voting member of the Assembly and the Area Committee.

Past Delegates


The Past delegates are a important part of our Area. Their knowledge is invaluable, as they have devoted a large part of their lives to this Fellowship as well as this Area. We thank them for their continued involvement.

If you would like to communicate with an available Past Delegate or can provide us with a status update please contact the Area 50 Web Chair.