
Corrections Committee

The Corrections Committees single purpose is to facilitate AA members in carrying the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the alcoholic who is confined in a correctional facility. The activities of this committee are based on, and governed by, the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.

For more information contact Tony M. the Corrections Chair at

Our primary activities are:

Coordinate with District Chairpersons, Intergroup chairs, Correctional Facility Contact persons and AA volunteers to take AA meetings into correctional facilities.

Provide AA conference approved literature from the Pink Can contributions. The Area 50 Pink Can system was begun as an effort to provide literature to incarcerated alcoholic inmates, by circulating Pink Cans at meetings to collect contributions from AA members. All money from the Pink Cans is sent to the Corrections Treasurer, who deposits it in a fund which is used only for the purchase of AA conference approved literature, Grapevines, and La Vinas.

Below is information and forms that need to be filled out and completed to be involved in the Corrections Services Committee. 

PREA Pre-Employment and Promotion Questionnaire Erie County Corrections           ECHC Background Information Form 2024

Pink Can contributions to be used for inmates incarcerated as follows:

  • County Jails (with the exception of those involved in most work release programs).
  • Western New York State Prisons.
  • Federal Prisons located in the State of Western New York
    Juvenile lock down Facilities.

Postage and other expenses regarding Pink Can literature are paid out of the Area 50 Corrections Committee yearly budget.
Encourage correspondence contacts for inmates. This provides an opportunity for AA volunteers to correspond with inmates both sate wide and nationally.

Host the Area 50 Corrections Conference working through the efforts of a district hosting committee. The Corrections Conference takes place in April each year. The Conference brings AA members together with corrections professionals to further a mutual understanding of our goals.

Encourage the temporary contact of volunteers and alcoholic ex-offenders, which will help support them find a meeting, and merge into the mainstream AA community upon their release.

Support statewide activities and assemblies at local AA community events by setting out an informational table with all appropriate corrections materials, whenever possible.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact the Corrections Chair.

To make PINK CAN DONATIONS make Checks or Money Orders out to Area 50 Corrections Committee.

Send to:

General Service Area 50
Attn: Area 50 Corrections
5999 South Park Ave., #103
Hamburg, NY 14075