
Registrar Details:

2024_07_20Jul_ACM report: Of 614 Groups, 293 are Active groups, 267 are Inactive, 31 are Unknown (need a person to vouch that group is active), 2 are Pending, and there are 21 Merged (groups that were duplicated). 179 need updated.

Of 420 Service Positions currently in Fellowship Connection, 214 that are current as of this year, but we have 49% quantity of 206 old data to plow through.

and found this very interesting!

2024_04_15Apr_ACM: Of 607, 295 are Active groups, 260 are Inactive, 28 are Unknown (need a person to vouch that group is active), 2 are Pending with 1 Incomplete, and there are 21 Merged (groups that were duplicated).
Of 430 Service Positions currently in Fellowship Connection, 247 that are current as of this year, but we have 40% quantity of 183 old data to plow through.

2024_04_06Apr_PreConAssembly: Thrilled to report we have 295 Active groups in these 8 counties of Western New York! Was upset regarding the passing of our District 5 DCM Bill J. His humble, direct and so funny personality will be missed. Our current District lineup is as follows:

Position For      Service Position                         Name                Email
District 01 DCM - District Comm Member Sandy B.
District 03 DCM - District Comm Member Bob C.
District 04 DCM - District Comm Member Mary Jo C.
District 05 DCM - District Comm Member Michelle V.
District 06 DCM - District Comm Member Robert R.
District 11 DCM - District Comm Member Tim H.
District 14 DCM - District Comm Member Sean L.
District 15 DCM - District Comm Member Matt C.
District 16 DCM - District Comm Member Joe B.
District 18 DCM - District Comm Member Norm L. p74district18&

2024_01_29Jan: Much thanks to District 6/7 Kristy F. and District 15 Matt C. for getting their meeting list back to me so quickly! Only a couple questions about those 2 lists are outstanding now.  Our dear Sandy sent out a message to all 94 emails of last panel, and while I've gotten 15 responses to those, only one so far was not already in the system!  We are progressing.

2024_01_24Jan: My first sense of real accomplishment happened tonight, with the 9 DCMs officially all in the GSO system, and a bit over half of my issues sent to GSO resolved.

So far, 94 Groups have been updated (2 were New, 41 confirmed to be Active, 36 confirmed to be Inactive, with 16 more sent to GSO to be made Active so I can attach their GSRs to them.

2024_01_11Jan: FIRST NEW GROUP ENTERED!!! Go District 19 for finding that SHERMAN GROUP was never registered with GSO! Next is the loads of new GSRs!  This is SO EXCITING!

2024_01_06Jan: My intention is to keep here a list of all groups that DO HAVE CURRENT INFORMATION as soon as I have formulated a list.

Might also include my latest reports here as well for those who might have questions with the current status. At the moment I'm just thrilled to have a mountain of change forms to enter per yesterday's first assembly. Since there's just three more assemblies this year, a lot of this work will have to be done one on one, so please feel free to contact me if you have anything you believe I should know. And a bit of patience with this new beloved job of mine! SO EXCITING to be part of Panel 74 - and to see Amy chairing! YES!

Five Assemblies where I'll be IN PERSON: